Another reliable signaling protocol in megaco.. Why not us Sigtran's Common Transport Protocol (CTP)?? Ed Nancy-M Greene wrote:
Until it appears on the IETF web site, the following Internet-Draft is available at - in there, you will find the file draft-cuervo-megaco-tudp-00.txt.
This I-D is a proposal that addresses the transport issue for Megaco/H.gcp. Any comments on the draft are welcome. ***Please post comments on****
Nancy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy M. Greene Internet & Service Provider Networks, Nortel Networks T:514-271-7221 (internal:ESN853-1077)
---------- From: Greene, Nancy-M [CAR:5N10:EXCH] Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 9:26 PM To: '' Cc: Cuervo, Fernando [CAR:5N10-I:EXCH]; Rayhan, Abdallah [CAR:5N00:EXCH]; '' Subject: new I-D: draft-cuervo-megaco-tudp-00.txt
Please find attached a new internet-draft for you to post. This draft is relevant to the Megaco WG.
Title : Transaction UDP plus Timers (TUDP) for MEGACO Author(s) : F. Cuervo, A. Rayhan, J. S. Mayer Filename : draft-cuervo-megaco-tudp-00.txt Pages : 22 Date : 15-Jun-99
This document describes transaction-oriented reliable UDP with timers (TUDP). It can be used to provide reliable delivery of transactions for MEGACO [1] applications. The objective of the protocol is to deliver transactions and messages within the time constraints of the application, i.e., the application timer. Transaction sequences are ordered perstream, and superseding of transactions is allowed.
MEGACO implementations may choose to use TUDP for applications that require high fan-out, reliable and ordered delivery. Other transports such as TCP, UDP or SIGTRAN may be useful in other situations.
Nancy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy M. Greene Internet & Service Provider Networks, Nortel Networks T:514-271-7221 (internal:ESN853-1077)
-- Edgar Martinez - Principal Staff Engineer Email FAX 1-847-632-3145 - - Voice 1-847-632-5278 1501 West Shure Drive, Arlington Hgts. IL 60004 TIPHON & Other Stds --