Jim, the attached CFP may be of interest to members of SG16. However, since I don't know the policies of the mailing list, I would appreciate if you could distribute it as you consider appropriate. I would love to have an article from somebody involved with SG16 in the issue. Thanks. Henning -- Henning Schulzrinne email: schulzrinne@cs.columbia.edu Dept. of Computer Science phone: +1 732 949 8344 (at Bell Labs) Columbia University fax: +1 212 666-0140 New York, NY 10027 URL: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs Call for Papers for a Joint Issue of IEEE Internet Computing (http://www.computer.org/internet) IEEE Network Magazine (http://www.comsoc.org/socstr/techcom/ntwrk/) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Issue on Internet Telephony (May/June 1999) --------------------------------------------------- Submission deadline: November 25, 1998 Guest Editor: Henning Schulzrinne Department of Computer Science Columbia University New York, NY Phone: 212 939 7042 Fax: 212 666 0140 WWW: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs email: hgs@cs.columbia.edu Internet telephony, that is, using the Internet as a communications infrastructure to replace and enhance existing telephone services, is promising to fundamentally change one of the most basic and familiar communications services. This special issue covers the technology needed to make Internet telephony a reality and the challenges that need to be addressed. This is a joint issue of the IEEE Internet Computing and IEEE Network Magazines. Topics of interest for technical papers include: * quality-of-service specific to large-scale telephony services * charging, billing and customer care * web-centric telephony service enhancements * service creation: applications, languages, tools * interworking with the global switched telephone network (GSTN): gateways, service location, directories * hybrid Internet-PSTN architectures * directory services * signaling * novel applications * embedded systems * management of QOS, services and * security and privacy issues * economic and regulatory impact We are especially interested in research papers that describe real services, software systems and experiments. Work-in-progress papers describing the state of on-going research projects in Internet telephony are also encouraged. Papers should explicate the technical issues related to Internet telephony, rather than just generic multimedia applications. Research papers should demonstrate the feasibility of the approach and describe the state of realization. Case studies and applied papers should discuss the key factors that made the system work and should also mention the pitfalls and problems encountered and how they may be overcome. Submission, Approval, Review, and Acceptance. --------------------------------------------- Authors are requested to send e-mail to the guest-editor, Henning Schulzrinne (hgs@cs.columbia.edu), giving a URL where the guest-editor can review the article, preferably in HTML format with GIF artwork (postscript or pdf format is also accepted). Upon approval by the guest-editor, all feature articles will then undergo a technical peer review consistent with other archival publications. Potential authors may wish to consult the sections on author information and guidelines for reviewers, which are given at http://www.comsoc.org/socstr/techcom/ntwrk. Articles for review should be in HTML or a common format easily read by reviewers. Authors will send all files to an anonymous ftp site provided by the guest editor. When an article consists of a collection of HTML and GIF files, all internal links pointing to this file should be relative. More details on the submission guidelines can be found in http://www.computer.org/internet/edguide.htm and http://www.comsoc.org/socstr/techcom/ntwrk/ Submission Deadline: November 25, 1998 Acceptance Notification: February 1, 1999 Final Manuscripts Due: March 1, 1999 Publication of Completed Special Issue: May/June 1999 http://www.comsoc.org/socstr/techcom/ntwrk/special/schulzrinne.html