7.3.10/H.225.0 States the following about address information in the sourceAddress and destinationAddress fields: sourceAddress: "Note that the E.164 number of the source, if any, shall be contained within the Calling Party Number Information Element." destinationAddress: " When calling an endpoint using only a dialed digit string, this address shall be placed in the Q.931 Called Party Number IE." First of all there is a difference in terminology. The description of sourceAddress uses "E.164 number", whereas the description of destinationAddress uses "dialed digit string". These are different concepts. Nevertheless, assuming that in both cases we're talking about an Alias that consists of digits (i.e. a number), it is not clear whether such information must only be present in the Called/Calling Party Number IEs, or whether it is allowed to also include this information in the sourceAddress and/or destinationAddress fields. Regards, Frank ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com