Tom, section 3 of RFC1890 indeed specifies how additional payload types have to be registered with the IANA. Table 2 in section 7 specifies the assigned (and unassigned) payload types at the time of publication of the RFC (presumably). This table is no longer in line with the table that can be found at the IANA Web site (http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/rtp-parameters), however. Since G.729 is not present in either of these tables, it would seem that somebody will need to undertake the action to do so. Especially because H.225.0 _does_ specify a payload type for G.729 and I think it is desirable that the code that is being used is not assigned (inadvertently) to some other codec. Whose responsibility would it be to do so? ITU-SG16? ----------------------------------------------------- Frank Derks |Tel +31 35 6893238 | Advanced Development |Fax +31 35 6891030 | Philips Business Communications|P.O. Box 32 | |1200 JD Hilversum | |The Netherlands | ----------------------------------------------------| E-mail: mailto:frank.derks@philips.com | WWW: http://www.sopho.philips.com | ----------------------------------------------------- taylor@NORTELNETWORKS.COM@SMTP@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM on 23/02/2000 17:24:37 Please respond to ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM@SMTP Sent by: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM@SMTP cc: Subject: Re: Registered payload types for G.723.1/G.729 Classification: Restricted As I understand it (and I'd better be right, because I have to do similar things for H.248!) the stuff initially defined in the RFC that sets up the registration process (RFC 1890) does not go into the IANA database -- only subsequent registrations.
-----Original Message----- From: Frank Derks [SMTP:frank.derks@PHILIPS.COM] Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 10:30 AM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Registered payload types for G.723.1/G.729
H.225.0 specifies that the payload types for G.723.1 and G.729 are 4 and 18 respectively. When I take a look at the registered payload types at the IANA, these two codecs are not listed.
Does this mean that the IANA list is not up-to-date or that these codecs are not officially registered.
----------------------------------------------------- Frank Derks |Tel +31 35 6893238 | Advanced Development |Fax +31 35 6891030 | Philips Business Communications|P.O. Box 32 | |1200 JD Hilversum | |The Netherlands | ----------------------------------------------------| E-mail: mailto:frank.derks@philips.com | WWW: http://www.sopho.philips.com | -----------------------------------------------------