Pete- Thanks for your reply. What I had in mind for the early H.245 reply that might come before acceptance of fastStart were things like completion of TCS exchange and M/S negotiation (and, perhaps, user-dialed digits if I understood Mr. Callahan's mail correctly.) With regard to ending fastStart, I believe everyone expects it to be a one-shot deal (with a possible exception for Annex F sets). -Bob ---------------------------------------------------- Bob Gilman rrg@lucent.com +1 303 538 3868 Pete Cordell wrote:
Thanks for your comments...
At the moment I can't see any benefit in doing a bit of H.245 before doing fast start. Fast start is really only saving you a round trip, and if you don't do any fast start for that period, then surely you might as well have done it using H.245 anyway. I might be missing something, so please explain what you have in mind.
As starting H.245 kills off fast start in current systems, I was assuming that once the fast start data in the new arrangement had been handled it would also be killed off. Put another way, from my point of view I was seeing the fast start as a one shot deal which are effectively fast virtual OLCs. My gut feeling is that allowing them later introduces complications. I would be interested in other peoples comments on the implications of this.
I think I prefer your suggestion about sticking with the early H.245 tunnel rather than switching to the existing tunnel. I was merely trying to align the text with what Paul J proposed.
============================================= Pete Cordell Tech-Know-Ware pete@tech-know-ware.com +44 1473 635863 =============================================
----- Original Message ----- From: Bob Gilman <rrg@LUCENT.COM> To: <ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM> Sent: 06 June 2000 17:01 Subject: Re: On TD26 - Fast TCS and M/S negotiation in H.323v4
Pete- Thanks for the writeup on earlyH245Control. I would like to suggest that make acceptance of fastStart independent of the acceptance of earlyH245Control. It might be useful for the called endpoint (or gatekeeper) to accept early H.245 and proceed with TCS and M/S negotiations before it establishes any media channel via the FastStart procedures. This could be done by permitting the earlyH245Control element in all messages (like fastStart), or in the basic H323-UU-PDU (like h245Control). That way, FastStart is accepted by the return of a fastStart element, and acceptance of early H.245 is clearly accepted by the return of an earlyH245Control element. The use of the earlyH245Control tunnel would then be enabled. (Is there any reason to move to the h245Control tunnel?) Should we prohibit both an earlyH245Control and an h245Control element in the same message? What do you think? -Bob ---------------------------------------------------- Bob Gilman rrg@lucent.com +1 303 538 3868
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