<<SG16-080422-Survey-Raw-v1.doc>> Dear colleagues Apologies if you receive multiple versions of this message. As notified in SG 16 Collective Letter 9 (?5), we conducted at the last SG 16 meeting a trial for allowing access to documents before they are subject to the usual processing by TSB. The objective was to allow more time for company and national preparatory processes, while allowing TSB the necessary time to properly check, classify, format and post the received documentation. As we need to provide feedback to the Chairmen's meeting and TSAG, I would like to request your assistance in filling the attached survey (which will take you only a few minutes) and emailing it to tsbsg16@itu.int if at all possible before 26 June. All responses will be treated anonymously. Thank you for your cooperation. Simao Campos << SG16-080422-Survey-Raw-v1.doc >>