Just to get this argument back on track... Are we going to allow for the option of H.245 channels being opened on the MG? David R. Oran wrote:
Dale's arguments are impeccable if one believes that MGCs are gatekeepers, which they're not. MGCs and MGs are a single H.323 endpoint, ripped apart and put in different boxes. The Megaco protocol glues the boxes together. If you put all of H.323 in the MG then you have no need of an MGC in the first place. QED.
I don't think anyone proposes declaring that monolithic H.323 endpoints (i.e. MGC+MG+SG) must be split up. Heavens, many of us sell hundreds of these every day and they work just fine, thank you.
So, I think I agree with Tom that this response is interesting but not terribly relevant to the engineering tradeoffs in marrying Megaco to H.323.