Dear All, I'm implementing some of the H.235 stuff and have a few concerns. RandomVal is defined as INTEGER only. This is not a particularly helpful definition as in theory this could be a million bit + integer if needed. Not many computers support such types! In fact, a well known ASN.1 compiler maps this to an int which is a signed 32-bit value on our platform. Is this sufficient? Without further discussion about the range of this value I feel there is a potential for interoperability problems. Perhaps we can say that RandomVal will never be more than 32 bits long, and then add a type like RandomSeq as an OCTET STRING for cases when we need a longer random value. There are also a few other issues, for example: nonStandardParameter in H.235 is defined differently to that in H.225. Why is that? Similarly tokenID only takes an OID. Again, why such a limited format? Regards, Pete ============================================= Pete Cordell =============================================