Dear All


I am very glad to make this announcement.


Thanks to Mr.Ishikawa and his colleagues,the  NRFID Correspondence Group as was agreed to

be created at the last SG16 meeting in April now has its own mailing list.


It is now open to accept subscription requests.


We sincerely hope that anyone in SG16 who has  interest in this new area can  join us by subscribing to our mailing list.We believe SG16 should and can play a central role in the development of NRFID standards in ITU-T.


Those who want to subscribe to our mailing list are welcome to send your requests to Mr.Ishikawa

at who is responsible for creating and maintaining it.(Thanks to him once more!)


For anyone who is not familiar with what has been going on in SG16 about NRFID,see the following information.


Overall Requirements


We’d like to bring to your attention the following documents:


1) TSAG Output from the meeting in November

2) NRFID Workshop Results (including the informal meeting which took

 place just after the workshop)

3) Deliverables of the TSAG Correspondence Group

4) TSB-Circular letter 80

5) Meeting Report Q22/16

 and he would like to see a clear understanding of the following in  early May timeframe.


 i) the topics SG16 will address under its mandate and

 ii) SG16 role in the coordination of the development of global

 standards in NRFID.






     It is our observation that NRFID is deemed important enough

     to be discussed at ITU-T.


     But it is also true, there are still issues

     that need to be clarified about how to use NRFID from the

     viewpoint of network.


     In order to solve this, i.e., give clear understanding of

     these technical issues, we need to build a usage model

     of NRFID to discuss the technical issues in detail within



     Japanese delegation tried to propose such a usage model to

     TSAG, and SG16 so far, but it is still too early for the

     delegates to reach a consensus yet.


     So we would like to move discussion along to reach a consensus

     on usage model and the set of technical issues to be discussed.


Main proposals



     We would like to make SG16 as a leading SG for studying

     NRFID issues.


     Since SG16 discusses the ubiquitous service applications

     including multimedia, it is possible to cover all the aspects

     of NRFID in a top-down       manner at SG16 discussion.


 Roadmap of the proposal/action plan


 (i) Let us build an application usage model of NRFID so that

     we can discuss the technical issues of NRFID in detail

     at SG16.


 (ii) Let us summarize the application requirements from the viewpoint

      of such usage model. We will deliver the list of such requirements as reference requirements

      of NRFID application.


 (iii) Once the application requirements are summarized, we will

       look at issues such as security, privacy, performance, and

       quality of service. Some of these issues are now

       being looked at by other SGs such as SG11, SG13, SG17, etc..

       So we coordinate the evaluation of these extra issues.


 (iv) Assuming that the application environment envisioned in the step  (i), and

      (ii) become a reality, then we will evaluate the scalability

      issues (say, 100 NRFID tags for each person) and reflect the

      discussion on the future network architecture requirements (SG13)

      and signaling issues (SG11) .


 Short-Term goals


 (a) Application Model.


 For the step (i) of building application usage model(s), we would like  to propose application model/scenario based on our experience.  First  we need to settle on a template of such submission.  The following is  a tentative idea.  Such application usage scenario template consists  of the following items.


   - Service Definition. (A summary paragraph).

   - System Configuration.

   - Terminal Characteristics

      (NRFID reader/writer functions, and other features.)


   We think we can offer technical data based on our feasibility

   study experiments using NRFID so that we can reach a consensus

   on system configuration, scalability,     service definition,

   performance and other issues.


 (b) Application Requirements. (This will be the topics discussed at SGs)


   - Network requirements such as size and other characteristics.

   - Required Service to be offered to users.

   - other


 (c) Performance and QoS


 (d) Interoperability issues with other application.


 (e) New Service.



    - Location-aware services based on NRFID.


     (This is the type of services discussed during the presentation

      from University of North Carolina.)


    - others.


    We plan to offer such novel application profile/scenario and

    requirements in addition to summarizing the current application.





With Best Regards


Noah  Luo


Rapporteur of Q.22/SG16


Ph.D,Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.

