To Experts of ITU-T SG16 Question 13/16 Cc Mr P-A Probst, Chairman of SG16 <probst-pa@bluewin.ch> Mr P Barrett, Vice Chairman of SG16 <paul.barrett@psytechnics.com> Mr Y Naito, Vice Chairman of SG16 <Naito.Yushi@dr.MitsubishiElectric.co.jp> Ms C Lamblin, Vice Chairman of SG16 <claude.lamblin@orange-ftgroup.com> Mr S Okubo, Chairman of WP2/16 <okubo@aoni.waseda.jp> Mr S Campos-Neto, ITU TSB <simao.campos@itu.int> Mr M Buttigieg, Ministry for Competitiveness and Communications, Malta <mario.m.buttigieg@gov.mt> De M Kawamori, Rapporteur for Q13/16 <kawamori.masahito@lab.ntt.co.jp> ------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Notice of Q13/16 Rapporteur Meeting in Qawra, Malta Date: 19-20 December 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Experts of ITU-T SG16 Question 13/16, The subject meeting of ITU-T SG16 experts will be held at the Dolmen Resort Hotel in Qawra, St Paul's Bay, Malta at the kind invitation of Ministry for Competitiveness and Communications, Malta. Details of the meeting are contained herein. Please note that this meeting is preceded by the 7th FG IPTV meeting during 11-18 December 2007*. * <http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/IPTV/index.phtml> 1. Date ^^^^^^^ 19(Wednesday) - 20(Thursday) December 2007 Meeting will start at 9:00 on the first day. Closing around 17:00 on the final day 2. Venue ^^^^^^^^ The Dolmen Resort Hotel Qawra, St Paul's Bay Malta - Europe Tel: + 356 2355 2355 Fax: + 356 2355 5666 Web: www.dolmen.com.mt 3. Topics (tentative) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) Review of the relevant group activities 2) Progress work on H.iptv-map 3) Analysis of FG IPTV output documents 4) Interaction with other groups 5) Future work plan 4. Documents ^^^^^^^^^^^^ /// Registration of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 09 December 2007 /// /// Distribution of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 12 December 2007 /// /// Use the ftp site (or e-mail reflector) for distribution /// 1) When you are going to submit a document, please notify Mr Sakae Okubo <okubo@aoni.waseda.jp>, document manager of this meeting, as soon as possible, by 23:59 UTC, Sunday 9 December 2007 at the latest. Document number AVD-nnnn will be allocated. Early indication of your submission plan is welcome and encouraged. Note - Prefix "AVD" comes from Audio, Video and Data. 2) You are advised to use the document template available at the following place: <http://ftp3.itu.ch/av-arch/avc-site/2005-2008/0712_Mal/AVD-template_0712_Mal.doc> 3) File format: Use of Word, PDF, ASCII or HTML is recommended. 4) All the contributors are requested to distribute their documents as early as possible, at least 7 calendar days in advance of the meeting (23:59 UTC, Wednesday 12 December or before) by posting them at either of the following: - Uploading via FTP Site: ftp3.itu.int/ User ID: avguest Password: Avguest (Note the uppercase 'A') Directory: avc-site/Incoming - E-mail reflector E-mail address: <itu-sg16@lists.packetizer.com> To subscribe: please visit <http://lists.packetizer.com/mailman/listinfo/itu-sg16> Please avoid the use of reflector when your document is voluminous (i.e., more than 100 kbytes). 5) Input documents can be retrieved from 0712_Mal directory of the ftp site once Mr Okubo has an opportunity to put them into place. The documents will be available through the following URLs: <http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2005-2008/0712_Mal/> <ftp://ftp3.itu.int/avc-site/2005-2008/0712_Mal/> user: avguest, password: Avguest 6) The document distribution/presentation at the meeting will be all electronic. Participants must bring along a laptop, wireless LAN card, in order to access the documents (Internet access will be available in the meeting rooms). Note: make sure you have the right power adapter for Malta, see <http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_AC_power_plugs_and_sockets> type G (British 3-pin). 5. Logistic Information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The meeting logistic information can be found at: http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2005-2008/0712_Mal/Malta_practical_info... 6. Registration and VISA Information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To register your meeting attendance, please send an e-mail to Masahito KAWAMORI <kawamori.masahito@lab.ntt.co.jp>, meeting organizer of this meeting, providing the family name, given name, company name, and e-mail address of person(s) attending. Early registration of your attendance is welcome and encouraged, but preferably before 10 December. People needing visa support letters (see below for requirements) should register as soon as possible. We would remind you that citizens of some countries are required to obtain a visa in order to enter and spend any time in Malta. The visa must be requested and obtained from a Maltese Consulate or diplomatic mission in your country or, if there is no such office in your country, from the one that is closest to the country of departure. Participants who need an invitation letter and/or visa-supporting letter for entering Malta are strongly advised to contact the following persons immediately with the request form in the practical information duly completed no later than 18th November 2007. Mr Mario Buttigieg or Mr Gotthard Tabone Ministry for Competitiveness and Communications Casa Leone 478 St Joseph High Road St Venera CMR 02 Malta Tel: + 356 2388 6122 or +356 2388 6117 Fax: +356 2388 6116 Email : mario.m.buttigieg@gov.mt, gotthard.tabone@gov.mt 7. Hotel Room Reservation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Participants should contact the hotels directly regarding room availability and for making room bookings, as indicated in the practical information. We are looking forward to meeting with you in Malta. Sincerely yours, Masahito KAWAMORI ------------