Colleagues, I've placed 2 files in the Incoming directory of the pictel ftp site: - the determined H.225 V3 from the Santiago meeting with change marks showing the additions and modifications to V2 to reach V3 - the determined H.225 V3 with changes accepted and ASN.1 cleaned up and reformatted (but I've not yet had a chance to compile the ASN.1) As you may have seen in the mail from Paul Jones, we need to deliver the files on June 30. I know this is not much warning, but I would really appreciate any comments or corrections folks might have - a sanity check from another set of eyes is always helpful. Regards, Glen -- Glen Freundlich Lucent Technologies office: +1 303 538 2899 11900 N. Pecos fax: +1 303 538 3907 Westminster, Colorado 80234 USA