FYI -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: FW: I-D ACTION:draft-singh-sip-h323-00.txt,.ps Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 11:52:20 +0100 From: Paul Sijben <sijben@LUCENT.COM> Reply-To: Paul Sijben <sijben@LUCENT.COM> Organization: Lucent technologies, The Netherlands To: TIPHON@LIST.ETSI.FR References: <E39024226822D311BC880008C77318A1816106@oteis01nok> I have been reading this draft and have been both puzzled and pleasantly surprised. I have been puzzled over some of the statements that are made on H.323, I do not recall that there is a limit on the sample frequency on G711 in H.323, the draft claims its fixed to 8000. (Could someone resolve this?) The authors also seem to forget that there is H.323v4 now as well as the FastStart option... so the resulting call flow uses very many message exchanges, this is not necessary is it??? I also have been puzzled by the authors proposing to make a SIP-H.323 gateway whereby the H.323 side looks like an H.323 terminal, in some cases an H.323 gatekeepr seems more appropriate. I have been pleasantly surprised in that the authos basically use the same method of interworking as we have been looking at in the DTS02003 information flows. So either we are all wrong or all right :-) Paul Shore Melinda wrote:
For those who don't receive IETF announcements ...
Melinda -- Melinda Shore Member of the Scientific Staff Nokia IP Telephony 127 West State Street "Software longa, Ithaca, NY 14850 hardware brevis" +1 607 273 0724 (office) +1 607 275 3610 (fax) +1 607 227 4096 (mobile) melinda.shore@nokia.com
-----Original Message----- From: EXT Internet-Drafts@ietf.org [mailto:Internet-Drafts@ietf.org] Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 6:40 AM Subject: I-D ACTION:draft-singh-sip-h323-00.txt,.ps
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
Title : Interworking Between SIP/SDP and H.323 Author(s) : K. Singh, H. Schulzrinne Filename : draft-singh-sip-h323-00.txt,.ps Pages : 46 Date : 11-Jan-00
This document describes the interworking between SIP and H.323, including the translation between H.245 and SDP. We list general requirements for such a translation and a solution which meets those requirements. We describe the call setup via message flows and pseudo code.
A URL for this Internet-Draft is: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-singh-sip-h323-00.txt
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-- Paul Sijben Tel:+31 356874774 Lucent Technologies Message:+31 208702874 Forward Looking Work Fax: +31 208702874 Huizen, The Netherlands http://voip.nl.lucent.com/~sijben (internal) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail archive for TIPHON can be browsed at the following url : http://www.etsi.org/tiphon/mailing.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------