Hi,Paul, This updated Overview is very helpful for me to understand the AMS project. Thanks alot. I'v still two questions: Q1: Page 28, Interface E (Container/Application to SN), but in the figure of interfaces there is no direct line between Application and SN, Page 32 saies, a Container or application must register with a SN before it can do anything, My question is, if an application does not associate with any Container can register with a SN? If yes, how does the SN manage and identify such applications? BTW, the lines of Interface A/E/K are not easily distinguished for the nearest color. Q2: Page 34, the last two steps in this flow, communication between the applications might be A1 to A1, and A2 to A2? I think it means the same type applications with the same number just like in the next slide. BR, Xiaoyang h325-design-bounces@lists.packetizer.com 写于 2014-01-07 上午 10:17:04:
I have been asked by a number of people for an update on the Advanced Multimedia System (AMS) / H.325. The mailing lists have been pretty quiet, but work is steadily progressing. I was also asked to refresh the AMS project page at the ITU. I produced a draft, but it still needs some work, as we're trying to present it simply and concisely; I have a tendency for verbosity.
However, an update was definitely in order since it has been several years, in fact, since I updated my "overview" slides. Since that time, there has been a lot of progress in terms of defining the message flows, the relationship between entities, and the signaling syntax of the new system.
The presentation is available in several formats, so please use whichever format you prefer: http://hive.packetizer. com/users/packetizer/papers/h325/ams_overview_and_update.pptx http://hive.packetizer. com/users/packetizer/papers/h325/ams_overview_and_update.pdf http://hive.packetizer. com/users/packetizer/papers/h325/ams_overview_and_update.xps
Feel free to direct questions to me or the the h325-design@lists. packetizer.com mailing list.
Best regards and I wish everyone a happy new year! Paul E. Jones Rapporteur, ITU-T Q2/16