done "Anders Svennevik (ERA)" wrote:
I have not been able to upload my MTD to the avc-site, I think due to our firewall. Could somebody please place it at ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/Incoming/H323_Mobility
The title is 'Definition of terms for H.323 Annex H.'
Anders Svennevik Ericsson Radio Systems
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: mtd07.zip mtd07.zip Type: Winzip32 File (application/x-winzip) Encoding: base64
-- Edgar Martinez - Principal Staff Engineer Email mailto:martinze@cig.mot.com FAX 1-847-632-3145 - - Voice 1-847-632-5278 1501 West Shure Drive, Arlington Hgts. IL 60004 Public: TIPHON & Other Stds - http://people.itu.int/~emartine/ Private:TIPHON & Other Stds - http://www.cig.mot.com/~martinze/