Hi, Can anybody answer the following questions regarding the use of addresses in H.225.0: 1) Type TransportAddress: What is the purpose of alternative 'ipSourceRoute', is it currently used for anything? 2) Type AliasAddress: What is the purpose of alternative 'transportAddress'? Must this be an address of the underlying network (usually IP), or can it be a different type (for example, an NSAP address)? Reason behind question 2): When interworking with an ATM network which implements ATM-Forum protocols, the ATM terminal's address may be in NSAP format. Type AliasAddress in H.225.0 has no 'nsap' alternative, but type TransportAddress has. Could NSAP addresses now be included in AliasAddress via alternative 'transportAddress'? Ernst Horvath Siemens AG Email: ernst.horvath@siemens.at