Dear Ameneh Zahir and other Q12-14/16 experts,
I have heard that we will have a joint meeting with SG11 the 14th - 18th feb week in Geneva.. Is this somehow true ??? Is their something planned ? If yes could someone tell me what is the agenda or items to be discussed??
Please find attached the most recent correspondence between Mr. F. Tosco, Chairman of WP2/16, and Mr. K. Kitami, Chairman of WP1/11, on the subject matter. A half day joint session is being planned in the afternoon of Monday, 14 February. The agenda items are mobility and BICC as you see in the correspondence. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) *********************************************************** Waseda Research Center Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 e-mail: okubo@giti.or.jp *********************************************************** Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 15:07:39 +0100 From: Tosco Federico <Federico.Tosco@CSELT.IT> Subject: R:Joint SG11-SG16 Rapporteurs meeting To: Tosco Federico <Federico.Tosco@cselt.it>,"'Kenichi KITAMI'" <kitami.kenichi@lab.ntt.co.jp> Cc: "'Probst'" <Pierre-Andre.Probst@swisscom.com>,"'Okubo'" <okubo@giti.or.jp>, "'Skran'" <dskran@ascend.com>,"'Freundlich'" <ggf@lucent.com>, "'Bigi'" <bigi@itu.ch>,"Odedra, Arshey" <Arshey.Odedra@itu.int>,"'KANO.Sadahiko'" <kanos@blue.ocn.ne.jp>,Wilfrid.Vanden.Broeck@belgacom.be, Bernard.Vilain@alcatel.fr,raj.pandya@sympatico.ca, Jay Hilton <hiltonj@nortelnetworks.com>,kurt.waber@swisscom.com, gratta@lucent.com, stewart.alexander@bt.com,jvisser@nortelnetworks.com, janeh@lepy08.gpt.co.uk, sharat@lucent.com,jeanclaude.samou@cnet.francetelecom.fr,Kuribayashi.Shinich i@na.tnl.ntt.co.jp, Yun-Chao.Hu@era.ericsson.se,pascal.chauvaud@cnet.francetelecom.fr, marcovici@lucent.com,Yukio Hiramatsu <hiramatu@magnet.netlab.ntt.co.jp>,"Dolly, Martin C, NNAD" <mdolly@att.com>, dick.rr.knight@bt.com,"'jane.humphrey@marconicomms.com'" <jane.humphrey@marconicomms.com> Dear Kenichi, I agree with your proposal. Of course, if needed we can rearrange the agenda when we will be in Geneva. Best regards. Federico
---------- Da: Kenichi KITAMI[SMTP:kitami.kenichi@lab.ntt.co.jp] Inviato: sabato 25 dicembre 1999 14.14 A: Tosco Federico Cc: 'Probst'; 'Okubo'; 'Skran'; 'Freundlich'; 'Bigi'; Odedra, Arshey; 'KANO.Sadahiko'; Wilfrid.Vanden.Broeck@belgacom.be; Bernard.Vilain@alcatel.fr; raj.pandya@sympatico.ca; Jay Hilton; kurt.waber@swisscom.com; gratta@lucent.com; stewart.alexander@bt.com; jvisser@nortelnetworks.com; janeh@lepy08.gpt.co.uk; sharat@lucent.com; jeanclaude.samou@cnet.francetelecom.fr; Kuribayashi.Shinichi@na.tnl.ntt.co.jp; Yun-Chao.Hu@era.ericsson.se; pascal.chauvaud@cnet.francetelecom.fr; marcovici@lucent.com; Yukio Hiramatsu; Dolly, Martin C, NNAD; dick.rr.knight@bt.com Oggetto: Re: Joint SG11-SG16 Rapporteurs meeting
Dear Mr. Federico Tosco,
Thank you very much for proposing us of exact plan for the coming February meeting.
We learned that a joint of Q.13/16 & Q.14/16 will be the counterpart for our collaboration, and the proposed arrangement (having a half day session with Q.13/16 & Q.14/16 on the Afternoon of February 14, Monday) seems to be quite reasonable.
Agenda items 1 (mobility) and 2 (BICC) are covered by different experts (one from WP3/11 and the other from WP1&2/11). However, the expected discussion time would be difficult to be estimated, and it would be sufficient to just fix the order of discussion (e.g. item 1 comes first and item 2 will follow it).
As for the handling of item 3 (H.246 Annex D and IN interworking), I would like to invite opinion of IN people (WP4/11), although I personally feel your suggestion is reasonable. If the suggested approach receives support, maybe we will encourage IN people (of WP4/11) to register SG16.
Please wait for a moment to confirm all of us are happy with your proposal.
Best regards,
Kenichi WP1/11 Chair
PS: I am sorry for the delayed response. Your mail reached my another account (kitami@blue.ocn.ne.jp) to be used during business travel, and it took rather long time for me to read out it.
Dear Mr. Kitami,
Following the exchange of messages between ourselves, between Mr. Kano and Mr. Probst and with TSB, I think we can try to finalize the scheduling of the meeting.
In the following I will in several points make reference to the message of December 9 of Mr. Kano to Mr. Probst, of which we have received a copy. First of all, let me express the appreciation for having the possibility to have joint sessions on the three items proposed by Mr. Kano.
The topics on which SG11 proposes a cooperation are in the field of Questions 13/16 and 14/16. As these topics are interrelated, our proposal is to have a joint meeting of the experts of both Q.13/16 and 14/16 with the appropriate experts of SG11.
Unfortunately the agenda of Q.13/16 and 14/16 for the February 2000 meeting is very dense and therefore we propose to allocate to that meeting only half a day. We propose to schedule the joint meeting on the afternoon of Monday, February 14, 2000.
The agenda of the meeting should include the items 1 (mobility) and 2 (BICC) mentioned in the message of Mr. Kano. As I said, both the experts of Q13 and 14 will participate to the discussion of both itemes 1 and 2. If from the side of SG11 the two items are addressed by different experts, it is possible to spit the meeting in two different meetings, dealing with mobility and BICC respectively. Concerning the item 3 mentioned in the message of Mr. Kano (H.246 Annex D and IN interworking) we agree that the proposal of Mr. Kano (participation of SG11 experts to the meetings on H.246) is the most effective one. We than welcome since now the participation of these experts to our meeting.
Looking forward to receiving your comments,
Best regards
Federico Tosco