Dear experts, At the last Q.1 Experts meeting in Shenzhen, China, I was asked to make you aware of a liaison statement received from SG12 on ITU-T specifications on super-wideband and full band hands-free terminals and to solicit feedback from the mailing list. The LS says that SG 12 has considered preliminary requirements and test methods for superwideband hands-free terminals, basing the exercise on the extension of current Requirements for wideband (P.341). They solicit feedback from terminal manufacturers and encourage those who have practical experience in superwideband and full bandwidth terminal characteristics to contribute to this activity in Study Group 12. The full text of this liaison statement is available here: http://ftp3.itu.ch/av-arch/lbc-site/0703_Shenzhen/q1g16.doc Best regards, Patrick Luthi Rapporteur for Q.1