Good afternoon, We used to have an ITU userid and password to the TIES system of ITU in SITA, but when trying to retrieve a document on ITU website, there was always a problem. The support told us that we were now, from January 1998, restricted to ITU on-line. The question is : how can we access the documents such as contributions ? Especially, I would like to retrieve contribution COM 16-23 E but cannot access neither the web site, nor the ftp site. I would be most grateful if you could help me on the above, or give me the email of John Magill to contact him directly. I look forward to your reply and remain, Yours faithfully Jerome Cabassu SITA (Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques) R&D - Teleconferencing group 26, Chemin de Joinville - Case 31 1216 Cointrin - Geneva / Switzerland Ph : (41 22) 710 02 15 Fax : (41 22) 710 02 27 Email : jc@gva.sita.int
Only people from ITU-T State or Sector Members - actively involved in the standardization work of ITU-T SG16 - can request from the ITU userid and password to the TIES system of ITU. New users have to specify their need to access to the informal FTP Area of SG16. There are the available documents - of course far not all - of the last ITU-T SG16 meeting.
More Info from John Magill possible. He is the responsible officer to EDH in SG16.
Istvan Sebestyen