Hello Kevin, all, Please find my Week 2 comments marked up in the attached document. I have also made a number of comments using the word comment tool. Regards, Christian ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENT ABOVE THIS LINE IS *NOT* FROM CISCO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: This message has an attachment that could contain executable code. Please review the attachment carefully to ensure you do not inadvertently execute embedded programs that could contain viruses. We suggest you review the following URL to stay up-to-date with current virus threats: http://wwwin.cisco.com/support/library/mcafee/virus_info.shtml Please be aware many viruses attempt to look like legitimate email or notifications from anti-virus systems. We will clearly mark a seperation between our notifications and the original email as follows: "CONTENT ABOVE THIS LINE IS *NOT* FROM CISCO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY" For further reference information about viruses and email antivirus efforts within Cisco, please visit: http://wwwin.cisco.com/it/ems/services/antiviral If your concern isn't addressed by the information in this notification or the above web page, you may open a support request: http://wwwin.cisco.com/support/ Select "Messaging", "Email-Related", "Mail Routing" Please include in the text of your case the following information: * Full headers of the message. Documentation on displaying the full headers is available at this URL: http://wwwin.cisco.com/support/library/faqs/solution002471.html * This unique quarantine identifier: j4V5T3bw020768 If the matter is urgent, you may follow up by calling one of the below referenced numbers. Please make every effort to provide the above requested information via the support web tool prior to calling as it will greatly aid the resolution of your issue. Americas: 1 408 526 8888 Asiapac +61 2 8446 8888 EMEA +31 20 485 4888 Japan +81 3 5549 6888 US (Toll Free) 1| 800| 888| 8187| (ext.68888) Thank you for your cooperation, Enterprise Messaging Services Cisco Systems, Inc