1/ please stop copying all the lists. most of us are on all of them 2/ this is a layering question and is clearly indpenenant of mapping qos at lower layers (if it isnt its severely broken) - its clear that diffserve and issll sit several layeres BELOW what you want to do and that the signaling mechanisms for both are indpeennsdat and much lower - i notice for example you dont include 802.1p and q - similar layer type stuff... 3/ the docs cited are telpeony specific EXTREMELY and in fact dont relate to results that show that people have broader tolerances than yo umight expect when using different ways to get voice around - while its reasoanble to have a subset of QoS parameters signaled fro mapps that are application specific, a better way to do it is through a profiling mechanisms, which has a code point scheme, that then uses more general means to signal the actual QoS parameters 4/ the IETF has several appropriate signaling protocol efforts and paramerter specification schemes...although i believe its not well architectured across all the layers right now and its not clear we have a profile mechansism/language/syntax/semantics 5/ there's the siglite discussio ngoing on and there was the bof to talk about new signaling protocols at the last IETF _ this seems to be somewhat ignoring that activity - is that intentional? if so why? j. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com