At 11:57 PM 5/5/99 +0900, Sakae OKUBO wrote:
Dear Q.12-14/16 experts,
I have placed the following files at the ftp site. or
SOURCE: Motorola, Cisco TITLE: Comments upon H.323 Annex E TYPE: Delayed Contribution FILE: ...snip...
I'd like to clarify that the comments in the above contribution are based on Revision 6.62 (TD 41 from the Monterrey Rapporteur's meeting). This was the "current version" to the best of our knowledge as of the time of submittal of the contribution. A new version of Annex E (Version 7.02) has been submitted to the ETSI Tiphon meeting this week (ETSI document 13TD106.doc) that contains substantive technical changes from TD41 and from the version for approval in COM 16-74. Therefore, when reading this contribution please keep in mind that it refers to the versions in TD-41 and in COM16-74. Thanks, Chip -------------------------------------------------- Chip Sharp voice: +1 (919) 851-2085 Cisco Systems Consulting Eng. - Telco Reality - Love it or Leave it. --------------------------------------------------