Oops, I got the URLs wrong - as Qiaobing pointed out, the prefix is missing megaco/docs - I've corrected the URLs:
For each point raised at the ITU-T SG16 meeting in Berlin, I have put the reference in the new Megaco/H.248 draft that covers it. This can be used to determine how the current draft implements the desired change requested in Berlin.
The Berlin draft is: ftp://standards.nortelnetworks.com/megaco/docs/wash99/MegacoH248v9Chgs.doc
or ftp://standards.nortelnetworks.com/megaco/docs/wash99/MegacoH248v9Chgsdoc.zi p
The draft-04 of Megaco/H.248 is: ftp://standards.nortelnetworks.com/megaco/docs/latest/megaco-h248_protocol.p df
or ftp://standards.nortelnetworks.com/megaco/docs/latest/draft-ietf-megaco-prot ocol-04.txt
<snip> sorry about the extra mail, Nancy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy M. Greene Internet & Service Provider Networks, Nortel Networks T:514-271-7221 (internal:ESN853-1077) E:ngreene@nortelnetworks.com