Hi folks, Please forgive my ignorance in case this is already a done deal, but does anybody know where we are standing in regard to MWI ? Two aspects seem to be of interest: 1. (to the GK ) - A method for a Voice Messaging System to signal the GK that a certain subscriber has a new message. 2. (to the terminal) - A method for the GK or the VMS itself to signal the terminal that the subscriber associated with it has a new message Do we have any means in general for signalling call-unrelated information (other than RAS) , that should be used for this purpose? e.g. is Annex K (HTTP) a suitable candidate ? Is H.450 suitable for call unrelated information ? Is anyone aware of similar work done e.g. in SIP which we may reuse or consider to avoid interworking problems ahead of time ? Best regards, -- Boaz Boaz Michaely Senior System Architect, Corporate Comverse Network Systems Tel: +972 (3) 766-3844 , Mobile +972 (50) 39-30-17 < http://people.itu.int/~michaely <http://people.itu.int/~michaely> > < mailto:boaz_michaely@comverse.com <mailto:boaz_michaely@comverse.com> >