Sorry Paul, suffering from executive fever!!! (Only reading the first paragraph)
On a side note, you say that an xRJ may be sent if "the GK does not
those features or cannot find a EP that supports these neededFeatures". I have a question about the latter: was it the intent that the GK would look for a registered endpoint that contains the needed features? I'm not disputing the statement, but I don't believe that's clear in H.323.
By default I would only expect a GK to consider the entity identified in the request and the entity would either support the features or not. However, in some cases endpoints may be reachable through multiple intermediate devices such as gateways to SS7, ISDN, DPNSS or QSIG etc. In that case the needed features may be involved in selecting the forwarding path.
Also, are the neededFeatures in an ARQ supposed to be propagated via an LRQ when LRQs are used to resolve addresses?
Yes. I had assumed that that was 'standard' procedure in turning an ARQ into a LRQ. However, it does make sense to explicitly say it. Note that in the case of multicast LRQ, this is a case where EP selection may be based on neededFeatures etc. Pete. ============================================= Pete Cordell Tech-Know-Ware +44 1473 635863 ============================================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to