Dear Mr. Bandow, regarding your first question, the H.323 terminal will ignore the complete H4501Apdu if it has no H.450 support at all. If it supports H.450.1 but not the specific feature, the content of the H4501Apdu will be unknown to the terminal. In this case the reaction depends on the interpretationPdu field; default is to send a rejectApdu (see H.450.1 for details). regarding your second question, it is certainly allowed to divert to a terminal behind a gateway. Whether the gateway performs any checks is an implementation matter, H.450.3 leaves it optional. Regards, Ernst Horvath Siemens AG
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Wolfgang Bandow [mailto:wolfgang.bandow@DETEWE.DE] Gesendet am: Montag, 20. November 2000 10:20 An: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com Betreff: questions concerning H.450 Supplementary Services
Dear H.450-Experts,
let me please put 2 questions concerning the H.450 Supplementary Services.
H.323 says that the support of H.450 is optional. How shall a H.323 terminal not supporting a particular H.450 service react on receiving an unexpected signal or apdu respectively?
Is H.450 Call Diversion restricted to H.323 terminals or is it also permitted to divert a call to a terminal which can exclusively be reached via a gateway? In the latter case: shall the gateway omit any restriction checks, going
on the assumption that the diverted-to telephone number is correct / reasonable?
Regards, Wolfgang Bandow CT-B Berlin
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