At the meeting just concluded, you described and criticized a contribution to 3GPP2, naming Nortel Networks as the contributor. In the process, you managed to imply that Nortel was less than competent, that 3GPP2 was gullible, and that no other company provided a contribution favouring the eventual 3GPP2 decision. I have to assume that in doing so you felt it your duty as Q.13/16 Rapporteur to publicly admonish a major company that supports the use of H.323 only in the enterprise environment. Any other interpretation of your motives would imply immediately that you had abused your position as Rapporteur on behalf of your employer or for personal reasons. However, I would argue that even with the stated motive, your actions were improper within the context of an ITU-T meeting. The ITU-T (unlike many private fora) is neither a marketing organization nor a religious exercise. In our respective domains, both Francois Audet and I have made significant contributions to the work of Study Group 16 on behalf of our employer. You have performed your work as Rapporteur with great skill, and we all appreciate it. This does not give you the right to use your position as a pulpit to denounce sinners. I would hope that on reflection you agree and are prepared to say so publicly. Tom Taylor Nortel Networks