Dear experts of Q13/16 Please note that the conference call regarding Q13/16 work is scheduled for 23rd Wednesday. If you are intending to attend the meeting, please notify me before hand. Here is the agenda: * Q13/16 audio conference Meeting date and time: Wed 23 July 2008 13:00-17:00 Geneva time (for time in other timezones, please check: Audio connections: +41 22 730 5395 Pin code: 6805# (including the "#" sign) Gotomeeting arrangements (for remote collaboration): Go to the URL: When/if asked, provide the meeting identifyier and password: Meeting Password: sg16q13 Meeting ID: 805-681-353 Agenda: To discuss H.IPTV-SDC NB: - Contributions are expected to be submitted 2 days before (Monday, 21st July, 2008) to the reflector <> . - Final announcement of the conference call meeting will be made on Tuesday, 22nd July, 2008. - The details of the call will be given through the reflector. Thank you, and looking forward to talking to you soon, Best regards, Kawamori Rapporteur, Q13/16