Hi Radhika, Comments embedded...
Hi, Jaakko:
I am providing a very quick response because we will have the conf call within 45 minutes.
Same here...
Second, the H.323 mobility protocol proposed by AT&T, Alcatel or others do NOT tie to any topology. The topology shown has come into play to provide descriptions so that people can understand, and we can say all requirements are met no matter what the topoloy is. For example, your contribution and references figures - we need to see whether all toplopies can be satisfied using the SAME protocol.
I did not claim that the contributions were tied to any topology. I was simply questioning the need to define or use the terms: home/visited network/zone.
Third, no contribution (AT&T, Alcatel, or Ericsson) has suggested that HLF or VLF has to belong to a zone or by couple of zones or otherwise.
This is exactly why I do not see any point in defining home/visited zone. Or if we do define them the home zone should be clearly defined in such a way that it does not imply that the HLF is a part of the home zone, but home zones are all the zones that belong to the Home Administrative Domain.
I hope that you will NOT mis-interpret the intend of the main idea behind the contributions.
I don't think so and I do think that we have some valuable contributions for this teleconference and they will certainly help the progress of the work. -Jaakko