Dear Experts, Please note that documents for the Dublin meeting will appear on the ftp site ( in the 0110_Dub directory ( The directory is currently populated with documents that have been previously uploaded to the Incoming directory ( Regards, Glen "Paul E. Jones" wrote:
Dear Experts,
As you are aware, we have been working to re-schedule the ITU-T SG16 Q2-5,D,F, and G Rapporteur's meeting. We now have a final date and location for the meeting: the week of 29 October 2001 in Dublin, Ireland.
Please find the attached meeting notice and hotel reservation form for details of the meeting.
NOTE: Hotel reservations must be made no later than 28 September 2001.
If you plan to attend the meeting in Dublin, please notify me by e-mail as soon as possible. If you had previously registered for the meeting in Santa Barbara, please send me an e-mail indicating whether you will or will not be attending the meeting in Dublin, Ireland.
Any documents that were previously registered for the meeting in Santa Barbara will not need to be registered again. However, authors may feel free to revise and send updated drafts until the deadlines posted in the meeting notice. Also note that the registration period for new contributions ends 19 October 2001.
On behalf of the Rapporteurs, I want to thank you for your patience as we struggled with this issue in the face of the events that took place September 11, 2001. We look forward to seeing you in Dublin.
Best Regards, Paul E. Jones
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Notice_ITU-T_Dublin.txt Notice_ITU-T_Dublin.txt Type: Plain Text (text/plain) Encoding: quoted-printable
Name: hotel_reservation.doc hotel_reservation.doc Type: WINWORD File (application/msword) Encoding: base64