In reference the copyright/proprietary notice at the bottom of each page: Copyright Hughes Software Systems Ltd., 1999 All rights reserved. This publication and its contents are proprietary to Hughes Software Systems Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, except for the purposes of this proposal, without the written permission of Hughes Software Systems LTD Gurgaon, India. All trademarks belong to the respective owners Is Hughes granting us the right to reproduce this document in part or in whole? While there are some good comparisons in here, there are substantial parts of this document that I disagree with. Providing comments would more easily be done if the source document can be used practically in whole. Also, I don't intend for my comments to become the property of Hughes. :-) Chip At 10:58 AM 11/2/99 +0530, vbajaj@HSS.HNS.COM wrote:
Hi all, Our sincere apologies for the wide cross-posting and inconvenience that it may have caused. We thought the information compiled in this white paper may be of interest to participants of all these mailing lists. Hence, the wide crossposting.
Attached with this mail is a White paper that highlights the differences between MEGACO, the proposed protocol for control of Media Gateways by the Media Gateway Controllers in the desomposed Gateway architecture, and its predecessor MGCP protocol. Comments are most welcome and may be sent to vbajaj@hss.hns.com.
Vikas Bajaj Gateway Development Team Hughes Software Systems Ltd.
(See attached file: MEGACOvsMGCP_v3.doc)
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