Dear experts, The purpose of this mail is to initiate also work on H.MMS.2 standard, which is a part of H.MMS series for H.323 mobility systems. H.MMS.2 introduces new functionalities (interfaces, protocol and user data) for user, terminal, service, and service provider global mobility management interoperability between H.323 systems and mobile systems. The concept of global mobility is defined here as the ability for a H.323 mobile user to access and manage services in a foreign mobile network with any terminal and a foreign user to access and manage services in a H.323 network with any H.323 terminal. As editor of H.MMS.2 document, I solicit you to make discussions in this area and bring contributions for the upcoming SG16 meeting. Please find enclosed the H.MMS.2 scope and terms of reference document presented in SG16 Launceston meeting. Best regards. Francois Bougant France Télécom R&D 38, 40 rue du Général Leclerc 92794 Issy Moulineaux Cedex 9 FRANCE Phone : (33) 1 45 29 51 84 Fax : (33) 1 46 29 31 42