Dear Mr. Okubo, Thank you for the APC numbers 1503 and 1504. Please note that in the work for standards for telecomms accessible for people with disabilities, I work for the Swedish Post and Telecomm Agency ( the "M" member of Sweden). I would like to see that reflected in the contribution list instead of Omnitor which is my consultancy company name. You might use the short form "PTS Sweden" for the organisation name if you need. Best regards Gunnar Hellström At 07:02 PM 1999-01-27 +0900, you wrote:
Dear Mr. Hellstrom,
The following document numbers have been allocated to your two contributions:
APC-1503 H.323 Annex "Text", Text Conversation Capable SUD APC-1504 Text conversation in H.323
Best regards,
Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) *********************************************************** Waseda Research Center Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 e-mail: ***********************************************************
---------------------------------------------------------------------- APC- Source Title ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1486 SG11 Q.20/11 DSS2 protocol provision of adaptive timing recovery used for transmitting clock 1487 SG9 Q.31/9 Progress report on Webcasting 1488 MPEG Liaison statement from SC 29/WG 11 to ITU-T SG 16/Q 11, 12, 13 and 14 on MPEG-4 Systems on H.32X 1489 MPEG Liaison statement from SC 29/WG 11 to ITU-T SG 16/Q11, 12, 13, and 14 on MPEG-4 Audio on H.32X 1490 MPEG Liaison statement from SC 29/WG 11 to ITU-T SG 16/Q12 on Common Text Recommendations 1491 Nokia GSM in H.323 1492 AT&T H.323 Differentiated Services and Their Protocol Architectures 1493 AT&T Viewgraphs presentation for "H.323 Differentiated Services and Their Protocol Architectures" 1494 AT&T TIA/EIA IS-641 Enhanced Full-Rate Speech Codec for H.323 1495 Editor (G Kajos) Changes to H.341 Annexes 1496 Editors (D Gurle, G Kimchi) Editorial changes to H.323 Annex E text 1497 TIPHON Requirements for a Protocol at Reference Point N: Media Gateway Controller to Media Gateway 1498 VTEL H.323 QoS (Quality of Service) in the Policy Based Network 1499 VTEL Slides Presentation for H.323 QoS (Quality of Service) in the Policy Based Network 1500 Editor (B Hill) Gateway Control Protocol H.GCP 1501 Editor (J Ott) H.323 Annex F White Paper (for a final review) 1502 Teles OpenLogicalChannel structures for Annex F 1503 Omnitor H.323 Annex "Text", Text Conversation Capable SUD 1504 Omnitor Text conversation in H.323 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
_____________________________________ Gunnar Hellström Omnitor Alsnögatan 7, 4 tr S-116 41 Stockholm SWEDEN Tel +46 751 100 501 Fax +46 8 556 002 06 Text: (V.21) +46 8 556 002 02 e-mail www: Video +46 8 556 002 05 -------------------------------------