Well, the best Source of Info are the slides from the ITU-T IP - MEDIACOM2004 Workshop (under www.itu.int --> ITU-T Standardization). There were two full sessions dealing with those general topics, and it was decided by each group to set up a reflector to continue the discussion they have started during the workshop. Regards, Istvan Sebestyen -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Istvan Sebestyen Siemens AG, ICN M SR 3, Hofmannstr. 51, D-81359 Munich, Germany Tel:+49-89-722-47230 Fax:+49-89-722-47713 E-Mail office: istvan.sebestyen@icn.siemens.de; istvan@sebestyen.de E-mail private: istvan_sebestyen@yahoo.com; Siemens Intranet:http://intranet.icn.siemens.de/marketing/cs27/ Siemens FTP: ftp://mchhpn006a.mch.pn.siemens.de/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
---------- From: Weijun Jiang[SMTP:jiang@PACKETVIDEO.COM] Reply To: Weijun Jiang Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 12:57 AM To: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.INTEL.COM Subject: Re: E-mail reflectors
Could anyone tell me what kind of topics can be discussed in the two reflectors?
Thank you,
Weijun Jiang PacketVideo 4820 eastgate mall San Diego, CA 92121 (Office)858-731-5380 (Fax) 858-731-5305 (Email)jiang@pv.com
-----Original Message----- From: Tosco Federico (by way of OKUBO Sakae) [mailto:Federico.Tosco@TILAB.COM] Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 7:03 PM To: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.INTEL.COM Subject: I:E-mail reflectors
/// Message from Mr. Tosco to those who are ITU-T Sector members ///
For information.
---------- Da: Bigi, Fabio[SMTP:Fabio.Bigi@itu.int] Inviato: gioved $BE (B10 maggio 2001 17.39 A: Magill (E-mail); Mitsuji Matsumoto; Probst (E-mail); Simao Campos (E-mail); Tosco (E-mail); Wreikat Cc: Brian Moore (E-mail) Oggetto: E-mail reflectors
Dear colleagues,
I would like to inform you that as from tomorrow two new e-mail reflectors will be in place. tsg16convergence tsg16ecommerce
To register you may use the following site: http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/com16/edh/subscribe.html
Please inform all those who might be involved in the subject.
Best regards Fabio
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