draft-ietf-megaco-protocol-00.txt has been submitted to the IETF Internet Drafts editor, and should be announced shortly. You can find the draft at: ftp://standards.nortelnetworks.com/megaco/docs/oslo99/draft-ietf-megaco-prot ocol-00.txt (NOTE that the url starts with ftp) This draft is the result of a large amount of effort by the design team over the past two weeks. On the other hand, the document is what it's title says, a draft proposed protocol definition. It is not a "take it or leave it" affair, but we do hope you will find it suitable as a baseline text. We welcome your comments and suggestions to the list on the draft. If you are participating on the conference call next Monday, PLEASE READ THE DRAFT BEFORE YOU CALL IN. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy M. Greene Internet & Service Provider Networks, Nortel Networks T:514-271-7221 (internal:ESN853-1077) E:ngreene@nortelnetworks.com