7) transport issues There was discussion on what to use for interoperability purposes until the actual transport is agreed on. Some people wanted to mandate TCP for the MG, others said UDP + the message acks, + the addition of timers would be better. Are there MG manufacturers that do not want to put TCP in their MGs, even if only for demonstration purposes? If there is opposition to TCP even for demonstration purposes, then we would go with UDP + message acks, + timers. Chip Sharp reminded us that SGCP worked just fine with UPD, acks, and timers. ===> An issue for the mailing list.
Using TCP would be a serious problem in large configurations. Our experience is that UDP+timers has a wider applicability and is not in practice harder to implement than TCP -- you have to manage timers, but then you don't have to manage connections. -- Christian Huitema ------------------------------ Please note my new address: huitema@research.telcordia.com http://www.telcordia.com/