Folks, As many of you know, there were a number of errors found in the H.225.0v3 ASN.1. Attached to this e-mail, please find a Microsoft Word file that contains revision marks for the ASN.1 portion of the Decided H.225.0v3 document. I have prepared an ASN.1 file that *should* contain the complete and up-to-date H.225.0v3 ASN.1. You can find it here: *Please* if you find any errors in these ASN.1 files, let me know *now*. There are a number of Implementers who are planning to bring their V3 products to the SuperOp next month. More importantly, H.323v3 has been in a decided state for quite some time now and folks need to be aware of these errors, because products are shipping! These errors represent every known error that needs to be applied to the H.225.0v3 ASN.1. If any errors are found in the future, we will likely not fix them unless backward compatibility is completely broken. As you all know, making changes to the ASN.1 once a product is in the customer's hands is not the best way to go about pleasing a customer :-) Best Regards, Paul E. Jones Editor, H.323 and the H.323-series Implementers Guide