Dear Q12-14/16 experts, Please be advised that we will review and respond to the following liaison statements from SG8 at the next week meeting: APC-1746 Source: SG8 Q4 Title: Liaison Statement on Resolving T.38 Annex B inconsistencies with H.245/H.323 Annex D APC-1747 Source: SG8 T.38 Call Establishment Ad Hoc Group Title: SG16 Liaison Regarding H.248 & H.248 Call Establishment for T.38 Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) *********************************************************** Waseda Research Center Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 e-mail: ***********************************************************