
I have assigned AVD-4776 and AVD-4777, as you can see on the update document list:


------ Original Message ------
From: "zht" <zht@bupt.edu.cn>
To: "paulej" <paulej@packetizer.com>
Sent: 9/6/2016 4:24:43 AM
Subject: request for document registration

​Dear Mr Paul,


I am Haitao from Beijing Universtiy of Posts and Telecommunications. Attached please find our two contributions for the upcoming rapporteur meeting of question 21/16, in Changzhou, China, 9.26-9.29. Please help us register these two documents and assign two document numbers. After that, I will upload the documents onto the FTP. Thanks very much.


Best regards,


Haitao Zhang

Beijing Universtiy of Posts and Telecommunications