---------- From: Greene, Nancy-M [CAR:5N10:EXCH] Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 2:10 PM To: megaco@standards.nortelnetworks.com Subject: Megaco/H.gcp conference call
In order to continue the cooperation between SG16 and the IETF, Brian Hill and I would like to schedule another Megaco/H.gcp conference call so that we have rough consensus on what Brian Rosen will put into megaco-protocol-02 (Internet-Draft cutoff date for IETF Oslo meeting is June 25/99).
In Megaco we have agreed to produce a completed audio-only version of the megaco protocol for June 25th, but that this version would take into consideration the proposals for multimedia in SG16's H.gcpSantiago so that they can easily be added in a future version. We need to have an "implementable" version of the Megaco protocol by the July Oslo meeting, or we will have missed the boat.
It is expected that the megaco-protocol-02 would be an implementable audio version of the Megaco/H.gcp protocol, and that SG16 would be able to add to the protocol syntax, in a backwards compatible way, all that is necessary for multimedia.
Proposed discussion topics:
1) Termination naming - hierarchical or logical, or a combination with TerminationId + Bearer?
2) handling multplexing terminations - as in H.gcp? or as a new context type?
3) allowing one BearerDescriptor, and multiple MediaDescriptors per termination - acceptable?
4) decision on transport
5) proposal for tagging the MediaDescriptor with its encoding: SDP or H.GCP
6) proposal for text vs binary encoding of the protocol (draft-huitema-megaco-sdp-discuss-01.txt)
7) multimedia vs monomedia contexts (related to #3)
Call Details Date: Wednesday, June 16th Time: 11amET for 2 hours Phone: 613-763-6338 PassCode: 131313#
Problems getting on the bridge? call 613-765-CONF, and ask for the conference chaired by Nancy Greene.
As before, minutes of the meeting will be posted ASAP after the call.
Nancy Greene Bryan Hill ngreene@nortelnetworks.com bhill@videoserver.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy M. Greene Internet & Service Provider Networks, Nortel Networks T:514-271-7221 (internal:ESN853-1077) E:ngreene@nortelnetworks.com