Hi, SG16 Members: Sub: H.323 Ad Hoc Mobility Group Conference Call Our next conference call will be held as follows: Date: January 10, 2000 Time: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM (Pacific Standard Time (PST)) Reservation # 13928768 Number port reserved: 20 Ports Conference Call Bridge call in number: +1 (415)-904-8877 Passcode: 8813575 We appreciate IMTC for providing the ports for the conference call. We also appreciate Ed Martinez, Mototorla, for preparating the meeting agenda and edititing the H.323 Annex H document as per decision made in the conference call and discussion held in the SG16 email reflector. Agenda: 1. Call to Order & Opening Remarks 2. Attendance Registration 4. Agenda Review and Approval: MTD-01e 5. Review H.323 Mobility Ad Hoc Meeting report: MTD-02f 6. Review of contributions (Previously submitted + New contributions) 7. Discuss next conference call meetings 8. Review Assignments 9. Review Workplan 10. Open Discussion 11. Adjourn Best regards, Radhika R. Roy, AT&T H.323 Ad Hoc Mobility Group +1 732 420 1580 rrroy@att.com Note 1: Please provide your comments on H.323 Annex H (Editor's document MTD-3c) and Alcatel's contribution 107b via the SG16 email reflector, and the Editor will take care-of the document (H.323 Annex H) accordingly. It is expected that we'd not discuss these contributions during the conference call. Mote 2: Please review the detail of agenda provided in Table-1 of MTD-01e. Note 3: All participating companies are welcome to submit contributions in addition to previous contributions. Please send your each new contribution you planned to submit for the Jan. 10, 2000 conference to Ed Martinez at mailto:martinze@cig.mot.com Note 4: You can pick the documents in: ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/Incoming/H323_Mobility/SG16_Mobility/ or http://people.itu.int/~emartine/temp/SG16-mobility/All_Confernce_Call_meetin gs/