CALL FOR PARTICIPATION The 11th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2001) Sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery In cooperation with USENIX, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM SIGMM, ACM SIGOPS Technically cosponsored by the IEEE Communications Society (pending) June 25-26, 2001 Danfords on the Sound, Port Jefferson, New York The 11th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2001) will bring together participants from academia and industry to present and discuss new ideas and future directions in networking and operating system support for multimedia. Exponential improvements in networking bandwidth, cost, and ubiquity coupled with the growing availability and use of streaming media content pose new networking and operating system research opportunities and challenges at the global systems level. Papers on streaming media, quality of service, multicast, mobile multimedia, Internet telephony, and collaboration will be presented. Peter Danzig will deliver a keynote address on "Ideas for Next Generation Content Delivery". Important Dates: ================ Early registration deadline: May 19, 2001 Registration deadline: June 15, 2001 Workshop: June 25-27, 2001 NOSSDAV 2001 Organizing Committee: ================================= Chairs: Jason Nieh, Columbia University Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University Kevin Almeroth, UCSB Peter Danzig, Akamai Christophe Diot, Sprint Advanced Technology Labs Wu-chi Feng, Ohio State University Anoop Gupta, Microsoft Research Chuck Kalmanek, AT&T Research Sneha Kasera, Lucent Technologies Duane Northcutt, Sun Microsystems Larry Peterson, Princeton University Dan Rubenstein, Columbia University Larry Rowe, University of California, Berkeley Brian Schmidt, Sun Microsystems Doug Shepherd, Lancaster University Chuck Yoo, Korea University Zhi-Li Zhang, University of Minnesota ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to