Dear experts, my H.501 final draft contained a placeholder "annex B" for collecting "generic data" (i.e. standardized GEF identifier values). Upon advice by TSB, this annex will be removed in the published version 1 of H.501 since it contained no useful text. The initial idea was to include here material from H.225.0 annex G as soon as version 2 of annex G is finished. But now I have some doubts whether H.501 is the right place for such a data register. A repository of generic data should at least include also values assigned in GEF standards (H.460.x). Wouldn't the H.460 series be a better place for this? At the top level we have assigned so far: - feature ID "0" for H.225.0 Annex G profiles - feature IDs "n" for H.460.n (is this the complete list?) Each top-level feature ID opens a local name space for EnumeratedParameter-IDs specified for that specific feature. Since these are defined locally there is no danger of collisions. At least the top-level IDs should be maintained at a central place to avoid collisions, especially if such IDs can be assigned outside H.460.n standards as well (is this generally the case, or is H.225.0 annex G the only exception?). Of course such a repository could also list the locally assigned EnumeratedParameter-IDs for each registered feature, to provide a quick reference. So the question is, do people see the need for a generic-data register, and if yes, in which form? H.460.x? Or in an IG? H.501 does not seem to be the proper place. Regards, Ernst Horvath Siemens AG