Dear Mike,
Could you please tell me when the white paper deadline is for SG16 decision documents for the November meeting.
The report of SG16 meeting last February is available as COM16-R61 at and its Section 3.8.2 (determined draft Recs) states as follows: The final edited texts of these draft revised and new Recommendations should be provided by the editor/rapporteurs as a normal contribution to reach TSB prior 15 July 2000 for consideration at the November meeting of SG 16. It should be noted that the planned meeting of WP1/16 at the end of June 2000 will very likely determine other Recommendations, in accordance with their work programme. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO *********************************************************** Waseda Research Center Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 (to be transferred) +81 3 3204 8194 (direct) Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 e-mail: *********************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to