Minor correction on Georges minutes
4. How to reduce overlap with Gatekeeper and RAS MIBs
Mike Thatcher discussed that he split out the H.323 textual conventions into a separate document so all other modules can import it. Irina Suconick and Mike Thatcher discussed their updates to APCs 1347 and APC 1349. Principle decisions to reduce the overlap included 1) the gatekeeper MIB would rely on the registration and admissions table in RAS MIB. Most Gatekeeper tables except the Zone and Segment moved to RAS MIB The Zone table indexed by unsigned integer instead of by name to keep OID smaller. Gatekeepers will have information on their own zone(s) and zones of other gatekeepers that a gatekeeper knows about.
A GatekeeperIdentifier has a max length of 128 and is too big to be used as an index.