I have been only aware of the Megaco through th ITU-SG16 list, and would like to stay current on Megaco. Anyone kind enough to indicate what are the pointers to the list server? Best regards, Gilles Fayad Rex Coldren <coldrenr@AGCS.COM> on 03/31/99 07:54:31 AM Please respond to Mailing list for parties associated with ITU-T Study Group 16 <ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com> To: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com cc: (bcc: Gilles G Fayad/RSS/Rockwell) Subject: Re: Megaco Protocol - IETF/ITU conf call minutes Chip, We DID agree to use the MEGACO list instead of SG16 and should start to do so. I am guessing that those who are posting to both have been waiting to see an official announcement on the SG16 list stating that this is the policy. I am expecting that to come from Tom Taylor or Bryan Hill. Hope I didn't miss it if it already came through. Rex Chip Sharp wrote:
On the call, I believe we agreed to hold technical discussions on the megaco mail list. Cross-Posting doubles the traffic for those who are subscribed to both lists. Could we start using the megaco list now?
To Subscribe: majordomo@baynetworks.com In Body: subscribe megaco Archive: ftp://standards.nortelnetworks.com/megaco General Discussion:megaco@baynetworks.com
Thanks, Chip -------------------------------------------------- Chip Sharp voice: +1 (919) 851-2085 Cisco Systems Consulting Eng. - Telco Reality - Love it or Leave it. --------------------------------------------------