Terry, Just one comment - Terry L Anderson wrote:
I checked our changes in the white draft of H.225.0v4 and removed all our ASN.1 that has already been incorporated. I now show only changes that are still needed. I have not yet done the similar check with H.323v4.
I think we should consider whether to keep these fields in H.225.0 v4 since Annex R is not yet determined. We might want to keep the door open for further refinement of these fields before Annex R is decided. Maybe we should add these in H.225.0 v5, or we could add them between H.323 versions via the new genericData fields. Regards, Rich ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com