Dear Q.11-14 Experts, I have put a delayed contribution to September SG16 meeting as The title is "Comments on the Recommendation H.450.1, H.450.2 and H.450.3". In the Telecommunication Technology Committee(TTC) in Japan, they generate their standards based on the ITU-T recommendations considering national matter items and so on. Through their activity related ITU-T H.450.1, H.450.2 and H.450.3, a number of problems are found. The contribution is prepared to discuss Implementers' guide. But, I'm mistake a filename. Please ignore "H450Com.doc". I will submit this contribution to ITU-T in a few days. Best regards, --- Yasubumi Chimura OKI Electric Industry Co.,Ltd. Phone +81-3-3454-2111 FAX +81-3-3798-7684