Jim, I think we have found an error in the Implementer's Guide. The change for Section 7.2.2 of H.323 has the following new paragraph apparently added to 7.2.2 although this paragraph is already part of the H.323v2 Standard within this clause 7.2.2. Was the intention to copy this standard paragraph to the new section "use of lightweight RRQ" ? - then we can delete the para within clause 7.2.2 in the impl guide and just keep the para below ...." An endpoint's registration with a Gatekeeper may have a finite life. An endpoint may request a timeToLive in the RRQ message to the Gatekeeper. The Gatekeeper may respond with an RCF containing the same timeToLive or a shorter timeToLive. After this time, the registration shall be expired. The timeToLive is expressed in seconds. Prior to the expiration time, the endpoint may send an RRQ message having the keepAlive bit set. The keep alive RRQ may include a minimum amount of information as described in H.225.0. The keep alive RRQ shall reset the time to live timer in the Gatekeeper, allowing the registration to be extended. After the expiration time, the endpoint must re-register with a Gatekeeper using a full RRQ message. ...." Regards, Karl Klaghofer, Siemens AG karl.klaghofer@icn.siemens.de
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Jim Toga [SMTP:jim.toga@metatel.com] Gesendet am: Freitag, 9. April 1999 15:50 An: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com Betreff: H.323 Implementers Guide Edits
After some delay, I have completed the edits coming out of the Monterey meeting for the Implementers Guide. Please review the changes and verify that everything is as expected.
I have incorporated (I believel) all of the relevent text mentioned in the Meeting report namely: APCs 1511,1512, 1520, 1522, 1533, 1506, and TDs 10, 14, 33.
If I do not have any comments back by 4/16/99 then I will integrate these changes with the complete document in preparation for the Chile meeting.
Best Regards, jimt.