Hi, as far as I know 3GPP has not decided anything yet (though it is on agenda for their April meeting), but they have two contributions on the table favouring SIP. Any interest in distributing them? Regards, Istvan Sebestyen -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Istvan Sebestyen Siemens AG, ICN M CS27, Hofmannstr. 51 D-81359 Munich Tel:+49-89-722-47230 Fax:+49-89-722-47713 E-Mail office: istvan.sebestyen@icn.siemens.de; istvan@sebestyen.de E-mail private: istvan_sebestyen@yahoo.com; Siemens Intranet:http://netinfo.icn.siemens.de/es/team/essp/team/essp4 Siemens FTP: ftp://mchhpn006a.mch.pn.siemens.de ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
---------- From: Jaakko Sundquist[SMTP:jaakko.sundquist@NOKIA.COM] Reply To: Mailing list for parties associated with ITU-T Study Group 16 Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 3:17 PM To: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com Subject: [H.323 Mobility:] Contribution for the teleconference
<<File: MD-XX.doc>> Hi all,
I'm sending my contribution for the teleconference on next weeks Thursday (a week earlier, as we agreed). As agreed for the agenda of the first teleconference, the contribution contains Tiphon-like (more or less, at least) scenarios to be identified for the H.323 Mobility work. Radhika, I still haven't found your contribution, so could you send it to me (or to the list). Paul G., could you allocate an MD-number for the contribution and put it to the pictel-server.
I hope that you will still be eagerly participating to the H.323 Mobility work, even after the 3GPP's SIP decicion.
<<MD-XX.doc>> - Jaakko Sundquist