Dear Mr Kawamori, Dear Mr Goto, Dear Mr Kenrick,
Thank you for your input contributions. AVD numbers have been allocated to them as follows:
AVD-3133 13 Application layer user experience for IPTV services NTT
AVD-3134 13 Rights Metadata for content protection NTT
AVD-3135 13 IPTV Framework viewed from Application NTT
AVD-3136 21, 22 Analysis on FG IPTV-DOC-0126 and a possible harmonization with SG16's work NTT
AVD-3137 21, 22 Analysis on the incoming LS from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 NTT
AVD-3138 13 Analysis on FG-IPTV-DOC-0125 and a possible direction of IPTV-TD discussion NTT
AVD-3139 12 AMS application/service, scenario and device catalogue suggestions Dilithium Networks, Inc; USA
The list of documents has accordingly been updated: